Get a new perspective on SL, literally!
SL's default camera sits high in the air above your avatar, several metres in fact! This removes you, the SL user, from the immersion you would get if your camera was closer to your avatar's eye level. This also causes a lot of problems for builders, as the camera sitting so high up makes ceilings under 3-4metres a problem. This, in turn, contributes to people building huge double or triple scale buildings, and makes SL appear a lot smaller than it actually is.
This HUDis intended as a quick way to preview my improved camera settings. If you like the new view, you can then follow the instructions over on my blog and change the camera settings right in the viewer itself, no HUD necessary!
If you enjoy the new camera placement and agree this would benefit SL greatly, be sure to head over to the SL Jira and vote for it!
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I can finally have a decent view.
This tool is a must have ,as i see the sl camera settings don't work as i would expect.Thank you for making this free! Much appreciated.
I use it as a second view
Simple to use, the view is great for social life but not great for building -- so -- I just use it to flip back and forth as needed. Works like a charm.
Thank you!
Muy útil, y más útil es dejar que uno lo edite!. Gracias por el regalo
This was a godsend and truly enhanced my SL experience.
Thank heavens!
The camera angle has been driving me mental. This is so cool, I feel like I'm following a person rather than looking at the back of somebody's head. Sweet. :) (I also like to build in realistic size so it's nice it won't force building high ceilings just to fit the camera in.)