G General

Brit, Denison Versión 1

Brit, Denison

[NOTE: These textures are FULL PERM. I have no updated the display images to reflect this. If you get a texture that is not full perm let me know and I'll fix it.]

British Denison Camouflage. World War 2. Tileable.

These textures are unique both to second life and the web. I had these made back in 1999 and 2000. They are fully protected. I have more than listed here. I listed what I think are most popular.

You will not find these anywhere for sale. Unless they have been stolen from me.

These same textures were originally used for wide format fabric printing. Military and rein-actors alike used my patterns on their clothing items.

I am now making them available to SL.

These are offered full perm with the following restrictions.

By purchasing this item, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions.

The Camo texture for sale here may only used in builds and clothing or other unique items and these textures may NOT be re-sold by themselves, given away, shared, sold to anyone or anything in second life or the real world.

You may not use these in the real world and you may not offer them for sale in the real world.

These textures are to remain in second life only.

You agree to be bound by all city, county, state and federal laws regarding copyright infringement.