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Candle Magick - Purple Tarnish Tray

Candle Magick - Purple Tarnish Tray

2 different candle groupings on tarnished silver trays, plus the same candle groupings without a tray. The second image shows the tarnished tray with white candles on it. Really nice animated flame. LI3 each group.

Accents Design has been providing low prim, low cost builds since 2008. I also provide land and interior design to help you beautify your home, from small parcel to full sim. Personal shopping services also available.

Cynianne Hellershanks
Accents Design

MAGICKAL DISCLAIMER: No, this is not the "for entertainment purposes only" load of crap that some people include because witchcraft is still illegal in a lot of places, and dismissed as hooey by a lot of religions. And it's not about being Wiccan or Pagan or any of the other neo religions. Magick is real, it works if done properly, and any one can do it. Even lighting a candle in church is spellcasting.

Non-believer? Ok. Single track believer? That's ok, too. There is nothing inherently magick in any device, it is the focus of will, intent and gnosis that charge the spell. So if you bought this object because it pretty and goes with your other stuff and have no intention of casting a spell, then all you get is a nice object.

The second part of the disclaimer is about efficacy. Will it work or not. Again that is dependent of focus, will and gnosis. Magick doesn't work for many people because the simply cannot/do not maintain focus. We are distracted by the world around us and "forget" to work the spell. No focus, no magick.

And the third part: Be careful what you wish for. There are several endings to this statement but they all come down to you will get what you wish for, but there is always an attachment to granted wishes. That little bit extra is the price exacted, the karmic balance. Be very clear and detailed in exactly what you want and how you word it, because you will get it if you work the spell right. Beware of the shotgun blast affect - broad wishes with no clear cause and effect. "Give me a lot of money" may work, but it also may come to you as a life insurance pay out from a loved one who you did not want to lose, even for a lot of money. Also, be careful about wishing for a specific partner if you haven't known them a long time or you are in the midst of a broken heart because of them. You will get your wish and all the baggage they bring with them, such as a stalker of an ex.

Contact me, Cynianne Hellershanks, for private psychic readings.

Magick takes practice. Even the experienced seek help from a colleague when casting for ourselves, so it's good idea to consult a practitioner for help in the creation and casting of a spell.

The Colors of Candle Magick:


Success, Idealism, Higher Psychic Ability, Wisdom, Spiritual
Protection and Healing, Honor, Spirit Contact, Breaking Bad Luck or Hexes, Driving Evil Away, Divination, Greater Magickal Knowledge, Ambition, Business Progress, Power, Tension, Success in Court Cases, Business Success, Influencing people who hold power over you.

Use Purple with caution: it's a very powerful hue and can be difficult to handle. Be very clear in the intention you cast.

See my store for other colors and their uses, you may want a different color or more than one.