perms = COPY MOD noTRANS
foot print = 25 x 25 meters
prims = 100
Like a sweet candy here this little and comfortable house made with few prims, but very smartly used.
Touch the stand lamp to bring the blue menu with some options.
For turn off/on the fireplace say in local chat (without quotes!) "fireplace on" or "fireplace off"
1- Place the rezzbox at the ground
2- Rezz the build by click the box and then "REZZ", wait the message in local chat "All parts rezzed"
4- Drag (move) or rotate the rezz box until you find the desired position
5- When finish to place the castle, and all is ok, click again the rezzbox and then click "DONE" (for remove the scripts of the rezzer), then can delete your rezzbox.
If you have some question i glad to help you, drop me a notecard:
rokoloco72 Zapatero
Thanks for your purchase!
Visit the RKTF main shop, you will find many items for your house, your land at prices really low! and almost everything cop/mod
See item in Second Life