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. : : Catnip Loveotomy : : . - pasties

. : : Catnip Loveotomy : : . - pasties

I made the decision to give away freebies.
Greed dont make me happy , among your smiles ;)


Include :

- Pasties in 4 different positions on your ni****s.
In all layers each position.

(Because body skins created different and have different position of ni*****s you can fail with defauld made pasties . In this pack you can choose your posotion from 4 different positions)

Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 07, 2023 by LacieAngel

These pasties are a great texture, BOM layer is great. Goes on my maitreya body with a 7 deadly skin perfectly ! Thank you for your kindness in giving your items as gifts. Rare kindness. I hope you enjoy the creating and smiles it gives so many people. Thank you

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 24, 2015 by SkyaStarlight

Great looking gift.
I like the different layers.
The checker shirt was a nice surprise too!
Thanks :)

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