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Cave (brown) covered with snow (small)

Cave (brown) covered with snow (small)

Dear customer,

Thank you for your interest - , or your purchase of this Jos Joszpe designs cave covered with snow (small).

This is a nice low prim build. It will add ambiance and style to your winter landscaping.

The cave has about 9,5 x 9 meter footprint and some 6,25 x5,5, meter inner floor

The cave is copy.
Not satisfied byu what you did ... simply delete everything , pull out the rezbox again and you have the cave in its original state right there again!

For any help what so ever just IM Jos Joszpe he will help asap.

No worries when building. you cannot loose your cave. the packadge rezzes it over and over again. Jus make sure not to delete it from your inventory.

  • low prim , only 7
  • very nice for your winter landscaping
  • comes in a rezbox
  • instructions included in the box