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Celestial Tea Flask

Celestial Tea Flask

This flask not only emotes up to ten different sayings, it is customizable - you decide how many sips before you fall down drunk (or if you do) and what it says...

This flask contains Celestial Tea

In ancient times, tea was not known outside China. Rumours of its existence had reached the wise and the unwise of other countries, and each tried to find out what it was in accordance with what he wanted or what he thought it should be.
The King of Inja ('here') sent an embassy to China, and they were given tea by the Chinese Emperor. But, since they saw that the peasants drank it too, they concluded that it was not fit for their royal master: and, furthermore, that the Chinese Emperor was trying to deceive them, passing off some other substance for the celestial drink.

We are delighted to bring you this wonderful beverage.

This flask comes in three parts - a hud that attaches to your screen "on top" but can go on any attachment point on your screen
A hip flask
A Flask named "Celestial Tea"

You wear all three. The hip flask will attach at your hip and may need a bit of adjustment so you can see it
The hand flask attaches to your right hand. If you choose to attach it to your left hand, you may have to do some adjustments.

The hud will show either "draw" or "sheath"

Click on draw to drink from your flask. It will vanish from your hip and appear in your hand and you will see the comments it makes in open chat, and your avatar will drink from the flask.

Click sheath and it will vanish from your hand, reappear on your hip, and your hand will drop to your side.

Repeat at will. Each time the flask is drawn, it will say something from the config file.

Watch that fifth sip though...

If you wish a different drink in your flask, or if you want other textures on it, im Kittycat Ninetails in game

If you wish your drink to say something different from what it already says, you have to modify the _config file. I have included it in the folder with all the rest.

Open the file and where it says "emote1 = "Intelligence is like a river.....etc.." and change what the emote says. If you wish to not float away, change the fall count to 0 (its when you fall down drunk..currently set to 5 sips)

You can have up to 10 different sayings in the configuration file. When your sure your happy with what it says, do the following...

Now the hard part..putting it in the flask. Drop your Celestial Tea flask on the ground and it vanishes..or seems to. Go to your control bar..and hit View...and then click on Highlight Transparancies. You will see your flask about where you dropped it..as a red glowing clear flask. Edit it and delete the config file and drop in the new one you just made. Then pick it up and wear it. Be careful tho, its easy to lose them.

If you have any problems with it, send me an im and I will help.

Kittycat Ninetails
JohnQ Ballyhoo
Vasa Vella

See item in Second Life
  • wearable