Celestines Mesh Columns with 10 different textures and materials
We offer you these 100% original handcrafted mesh columns with full permissions and custom made LOD's (level of detail)
They come in 6 different variations and with 10 different textures. They have materials included: normal maps and specular maps to add that extra dimension of realism.
The texture maps includes also a shadow map, It is meant to aid you if you make your own texture for the columns. Download the shadow map and use it in your paint program on your pc to overlay on a texture of your choice to get the shadows on the columns you see in the picture.
Should you be in a hurry it is also possible to "smack" any stone texture without too prominent shadows on the columns and that will work too.
* Low land impact
* Hand crafted LOD's
* Full perm
* 6 shape variations
* 10 different textures
* Materials included - normal map and specular map
* Shadow map included for texture creation
The different shape variations with land impact at around 6 meters height:
* Grid with 9 columns in all - 2 land impact
* Circle with 8 columns in all - 4 land impact (OBS PIC IS WRONG HERE IT'S 4LI !))
* Double row with 12 columns in all - 4 land impact
* Wave with 6 columns in all - 2 land impact
* Pair - 1 land impact
* Single - 0.5 land impact, though 1 land impact if it remains unlinked.
Mind you, if you change the size of the objects the land impact will likely go up.
Celestine Ghiardie
C e l e s t i n e s Group: secondlife:///app/group/7d379264-3b57-5690-f10c-a5c586bc027c/about
1) This product is sold as full permission under the condition that you do not sell or give it or parts of it away as full permission (Copy/Mod/Transfer).
2) You can use this product or parts of it in your own creations and sell it on if your creations are considered derivative work - meaning it is differing enough from my original product or parts of it to be considered a new work.
3) Selling your creations containing this product or parts of it you must set your creations permissions to be either "NO-Transfer" or "NO-Copy"
4) You are not allowed to redistribute this product or parts of it in any form anywhere outside of Second Life® and its Marketplace.
5) You are allowed to download the textures in this product to your computer and modify them as you like to use them in a creation of yours in Second Life® and its Marketplace. Given the conditions above about permissions and derivative work when resold or given away are met.
© Copyright 2014, Celestine Ghiardie. All rights reserved.
- * 6 shape variations
- * 10 different textures
- * Materials included - normal map and specular map
- * Full perm - low land impact and hand crafted LOD's
- * Shadow map included for texture creation
VERY NICE! Good looking columns with so many options!
Great looking columns in singles and sets that are modifiable. They are low land impact and have many texture options. Could not ask for more!
very nice low prim product
I had to delete my revieuw before because I wanted to change the stars...Celestine helped me well and I am a satified costumer.Below the comment I gave before with her answer
very nice
Posted September 09, 2017 by Suan Halostar 2 stars
good looking columns, easy to color with other textures too....it is a pity there is not a single row in it with the same height of the columns....that's what we need the most :( so...2 stars because of that reason)
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on September 09, 2017, Celestine Ghiardie said:
Hi Suan. Since the columns is a full perm builders pack it's very easy to make one row of columns with the same height. It's a matter of linking the columns till they fit the number of columns you need. May I suggest 3 x the two column version? That will give you 6 columns on a row with equal height at 2 land impact. Should you need an odd number of columns on a row you throw in a single of the single column version and link that to the rest. This way you have full control of how many columns of equal height you need in a row right down from 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 etc etc. If you have trouble linking prims let me know and I shall link three for you and send them to you - no trouble at all.
Best Regards Celestine Ghiardie
These columns rock! High quality, low li. My builder heart started to beat a faster after rezzing. Looking forward for new products of this creator. Thank you.