[summersale 2013 - price reduced by 50%]
Celzius is an in-world sculpt creation tool
You can choose between 30 geometric shapes, and build something with them.
Your build & creation can be converted to sculpt-image.
About 13 to 16 sub-sculpties can be used to make a 1 prim sculpt image.
quick video demo:
Second Life client
You need land in SL where you can create and build, and can use scripts.
The tool itself is 1-prim, and 1 prim for each for every building block rezzed (max 16+)
Only the owner of the tool, can use it
A recent browser
To convert the data generated in celzius to a sculpt-image.
Like Firefox/Chrome/Safari/Opera with java-script enabled.
(Currently Internet-Explorer can not save images though)
(information and more tutorials)
There are several tools and software available to create sculpties. All tools have there pro`s and cons, where they perform better or less compared to the others.
For this tool I had in mind, simple/easy to use. And created sculpted geometric shapes for it, that were optimised for 1st and 2nd degree LOD.
>> Can you torture, those preset shapes (i.e. cut, hollow, twist, taper)?
No, the geometric shapes you can choose from are sculpties themself, so you only can scale / rotate / position them.
There are some other tools around that focus on cut/hollow etc and based on sl-prims.
I focus with this tool more on soft and smooth/good looking sculpties, that perform good in 1st and 2nd degree lod (level of detail; when zoom in and out)
Cel Edman's Pixel Lab(slurl) - Claremorris (4,25,23)
Opensim type grids;
Currently I created an inworldz, spoton3D and the gergrid versions of Celzius and Celzius-DNAture; I can send you a version on those grids, (if you bought them in sl)
If you got a question, just let me know, (when i`m not online; leave me a notecard)
See item in Second Life View Video »- Celzius is an in-world sculpt creation tool
A real lifesaver
Especially for those Builders of us who are NOT premium SL members who can upload Mesh files. The sculpties are great and cover a usable range of shapes that can be turned inton something merged and complex that just uses one Landimpact. Helped me a LOT to add some nice details to a build that would have otherwise become a Prim-hog. It takes a moment to figure out the quirks and how to merge things in a nice way so it looks smook like made of one piece. Definitely a lot of moving around and resizing but once you have everything lined up, click "Generate" and convert the code to a texture that you can upload, you are greeted with a sculpt you just need to scale to make it match the Sculpty allignment of your build. Yes, the downside is Sculpties have only ONE face so they don't entirely replace prims for some aspects. BUT you can at least use this to add single-face or textureless details to builds without mesh. I just wish it had a few more shapes for Buttons and plugs and things like that. BUT remember, you can merge them and create what is missing as basic shapes ;) So yeah i'd say this tool is definitely worth the money and it really liberates those of us who prefer to build inside SL but keep things as low LandImpact as possible.
I know Cel Edman´s name since i start craft stuff inside sl, and he is one of my reference, thank you for the tool Ed !!! Hugs, take care.
it does what it said ! creates sculptmaps,but you can not create texture for those builds
It does create sculpt maps !
so that is wonderful !!
this would have been 5 stars if only it would be a little easier to create textures for the created sculpts
unfortunately that seems to be pretty much impossible , even the grid texture that we can use to guide us in painting textures is so deformed it becomes utterly useless
so .. yep great ! for maybe simple builds like a chair n couch ,im sure that indeed will be fantastic
I bought it to create addons for my pets, hats/sweaters/saddles that kind of things ,
sadly ,.. not able to texture anything i build , makes that for me this was a waste of money
5 stars for this product and other products
I started of using the mesh celzium then decided to buy this sculpted one ive been nothing but happy with any product i bought to the negitive review i would ask people not to listen to it to be honest its there fault not that of the ceator because they failed to read the discription and just asumed it was what they wanted window shoppers huh lol, if you can build you can make sculpt map with this yes its premade shapes but the file thats generated is your own file and when uploaded shows you as creator Cel you have created an amazing product and its well worth the money.i shall now go and build me some stuffz :D kkthx bie