(Challis) Animated Squirrel Couples Seat (BOXED)(DEMO) Version 1
What better way to relax with someone close than to sit by an old fallen log watching
the squirrel that lives there.
The Squirrel Couples Log has a couples pose in two comfortable cushions propped
up against the moss covered hollow. Inside is a squirrel which randomly pops out of
his (or her) abode, jumps up onto the log and runs down along it before jumping back
down and hiding again.
Partial mesh and only 11 land impact with the squirrel animation triggering every 30
to 60 seconds. Due to the nature of SL an animation we have tried our best to make
it as smooth as possible while keeping lag as low as possible to find a happy medium.
The poses can be adjusted by clicking on the cushion and holding the mouse button
down for a couple of seconds before releasing. An object to help you adjust the pose
will appear. Sit on that and move it to adjust. Once pleased with the position just stand
If you have any issues or questions please let us know.
See item in Second Life- Smooth Animation
- Couples Poses
L$ 0
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
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- User Licensed