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(Challis) Body Butterfly - All Colours - (BOXED) (MC) Version 1.3

(Challis) Body Butterfly - All Colours - (BOXED) (MC)

*** New version: 17/02/15 - Added a HUD to control the timing of the random animations.

The body butterfly perches atop your head, shoulder, knee or even nose. With a flutter of its wings it takes to the air and is so well trained it will always come back.

The body butterfly comes with:

Two animations - randomly play.
5 Wing styles.
Two colour pallets in each pack.
White texture for custom editing.
Glow setting.
A discreet two button HUD.

By default the body butterfly attaches to your nose and will be floating in front of your face. This is so the butterfly does not get buried in a hat or your avatars head. If you wish to attach it to your shoulder, hand, or any other part of your body then please attach it by right clicking the body butterfly in your inventory and select "Attach to" then the body part of your choice.
If doing this detaches something which was already attached to that body part you can use add once it is 'associated" to that location.

The HUD is very simple. The button on the left is the On/Off button to toggle the random animations. The button on the right brings up a menu for setting the timer. The timer can be raised or lowered in 5 second increments.
There is a minimum time between animations of 15 seconds. This is to stop animations from clashing. So if you set the time to 5 seconds via the hud, the random animation will trigger between 15 and 20 seconds (15 + 5 seconds), If you set the timer to 30 seconds then the animation will trigger every 15 to 45 seconds (15 + 30 seconds).
Setting the timer to 0 or a negative number will turn off the random timer.

The HUD will set the timer on all attached butterflies. As the timer is random they should rarely flutter their wings at the same time.
Once the timer is set to your liking you can detach the HUD.

Why is texture not control via the HUD? Iif you are wearing many body butterflies then there is the issue of calculating which one you wish to change. This would make it overly complicated. So we have chosen to keep the texture change menu how it is - touching/clicking the butterfly its self.

Before wearing and editing the body butterfly remember to always make a backup before editing!

Turn on transparency visibility by pressing CTRL+ALT+T. There is an invisible prim to help with positioning. Right click and "edit" the invisible prim to move it to where you want it and press CTRL+ALT+T again to turn off the highlighting of transparencies.

To select the wing, colour and glow options just click on the butterfly to get the menu.

The body butterfly uses only 384kb of script memory but there there is the option to remove the texture change script to help reduce script usage a little.

The body butterfly is not just limited to being used as an avatar attachment (though that was its initial purpose). It is only 7 LI so it would make an excellent addition to your garden or as a decoration in a home.

See item in Second Life
  • Smooth Animation
  • Multiple Textures
  • Two colour pallets