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Chameleon texture cycle teapot

Chameleon texture cycle teapot

My line of Chameleon Decanters is continued with this wonderful magical Tea Pot.

This teapot has 21 textures in it...controlled by a master cycling texture script...you as the owner choose the texture of your pot..and it changes the cup as well.

The tray has a second touch script in it which allows you to change the texture of the tray the teapot sits on

Now you can control what your teapot and tray look like!

This lovely teapot is only prims as it sits and steams gently

If you click on it, it will bring up a menu and ask you to choose from the following beverages

Herbal teas:
Jamaican Spice
Apple Vanilla

Black teas:
English breakfast
Orange Pekoe
Chocolate Chai

Green teas:
Gyokuro Green Tea
Longjing Green

White Tea:
Fujian White Rose

Each cup is unique in the set, in texture and in contents and each one tells of what it serves you

This Teapot is 8 prims

As with all my work, I will be happy to customize it for you for an additional fee if you contact me in world.

By the way, custom means I do different textures on the decanter or barrel, and perhaps on the cups/mugs/horns/glass inside plus edit the chatter the cup does. I am more than happy, at no additional fee, to change out any drink in any of my decanters for any others. I have no way of knowing what you like to drink, and I do not consider taking a decanter I have made up and shifting the drinks in it to something else as custom. I consider that good customer service.

Kittycat Ninetails
JohnQ Ballyhoo
Vasa Vella

  • texture changing