The Altar chalice with a circular foot, a round shaft and a large nodus, as well as a tall goblet with slightly round sides. The foot has a small profiled pedestal consisting of openwork quatrefoils. On the covering of the foot, against a background of engraved small scales, acanthus leaves are spirally placed. Among them are four-leaf medallions with busts of the Mother of God, Christ, and Saint Adalbert.
The chalice was made for Casimir III the Great (1310-1370) for the Church of the Holy Virgin Mary and Archangel Michael.
It is the oldest of the dated donations of Casimir the Great for Polish churches. The Roman form of the basic chalice components and some of its motifs (e.g. small rounded arch arcades) coexists here organically with raised Gothic ornamentation, setting this impressive vessel apart from other goldsmith works of the 14th century. The lack of distinguishing factors separating goldsmith works in Polish territory of that time makes it impossible to specify the exact place where the vessel was created.
You can adjust the intensity of the shadows beneath the chalice by selecting the face of the shadow and lowering the transparency to your liking.
Land impact is 1 for every size below the 0.76m of height.
Number of triangles: 10035
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