G General

% Chelsea Library Shelves & Desk SCULPT

% Chelsea Library Shelves & Desk SCULPT

(This is for the Library/Desk ONLY.)

This library and desk combo is an updated version of part of a set I created for the grid-famous Hotel Chelsea in Lanestris. I wanted to make an extremely low prim piece that took up visual space and served several unique functions, (without sacrificing quality or creativity!)

The entire piece is three prims, has a total of 21 animations for TWO avatars, and gives a book and pencil with the reading and writing animations.

Click and hold the paper on the desk for 3+ seconds for an owner-only menu of 12 wood texture options.

The other two pieces of the set (dresser and convertible bed) can be found in the "related items" at the bottom of the page.

This item has been retired to the MP. If you'd like to see a rezzed version, please send me an IM and I'll send you a LM to a temporarily rezzed version for you to see.

If you have any questions or comments about this or any of my items, please feel free to send me an IM, (Plato Novo.) IMs get sent to my email and I'll respond as quickly as I'm able.

  • Only three prims
  • Gives book/pencil
  • 12-wood texture changer
  • 21 animations for TWO avatars