This is a build made with 2 sculpted prims. Strangely enough, they are not as you might think the chest lid and it's base, they are an open chest and a closed one. Both are there at any time but one is invisible whilst the other is visible. I did it this way because there is often a delay in seeing sculpted prims whilst their shape is loaded. By having both maps "open" in your view, albeit one seen and the other not, both are "preloaded" into your viewer so when the chest is clicked to open it, there should be no delay before you can see it,
The 2 scripts the prims contain switch between the texture you have on the prims & a clear one so that there are times when each prim is visible and invisible. If you decide to change the texture on the chest, feel free to do so. Place the whole item into edit and change the texture on both sculpted prims. You will be able to see both prims once you have done this but once you click the chest to open it, it will place on the closed prim the clear texture.
To set the timing for the chest to close automatically after it has been opened, place the chest into edit. In the Description line of the General tab you will see the default 10. This means that the chest will stay open 10 seconds before automatically closing. Type the number of seconds you want the delay to
be in this line and press the return button on your keyboard. Then take the chest back into your inventory and re-rez it or click the Content tab, double click the script and click the Reset button at the bottom of the script window that opens. (Please note, you won't be able to see the script itself but
you will have access to the Reset button).
- Only 2 sculpted prims; Opens & auto closes (user definable timings)
- Modify & copy (Scripts copy only); Can be made the size & texture you want
- Ideal for treasure hunts & themed events & environments
- Full instructions on how to set the timings included
- Creator available for any questions posed