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.Chicago Ink. & Newphe - Sweatpants Unisex {Black}

.Chicago Ink. & Newphe - Sweatpants Unisex {Black}


- Belleza
- Maitreya
- Avatar Classic

Enjoy! ;D

Any problems contact rafah Foxtrot.

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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted September 29, 2017 by Jozifine

Went out on a limb and decided to buy this without a demo.. Seeing as it was Maitreya, I thought it would fit like the photo.. But it doesn't.... it's not even close... All the other sizes don't even come close either... Waste of money.. don't bother with this.

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Va mal para maitreya
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted February 12, 2017 by Lichibella

compré para usar con maitreya, pero la talla no es adecuada, queda muy pequeño, intenté con los alpha del cuerpo y probé los otros modelos y tampoco le iban bien, son bonitos pero no me sirvieron.

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