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Chu Chu Pokey set

Chu Chu Pokey set

Once upon a time, there was a charming man called Hades. He was on the way to see his Lovers Persephone Skydancer and Shaia, when he decided to take a shortcut through the UnderWorld.
It wasn't long before Hades of the UnderWorld got lost. He looked around, but all he could see was fog. Nervously, he felt into his bag for his girls' favorite toy, It was a unicorn. To smell his girl's scent on it but Unicorn was nowhere to be found! Hades began to panic. He felt sure he had packed Unicorn.
Unexpectedly, he saw an adorable unicorn in the purple fog that disappeared into it.
"How odd!" thought Hades
He finally made it back to his girl's command to make Chu Chu Pokey set and announced the new product to all.
So after that special announcement again I like to bring new Jeans to the store. That is fitted mesh. Fit the bodies of Lara, Freya, and hourglass. It has the style of a Pika. You can as well take a peek at more items in the store. We do make for Men' Women, and kid avis. We also do custom mesh. ENJOY!

  • chu
  • Freya
  • lara
  • fitted mesh
  • hourglass