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Church Pew Right Aisle Church Pews

Church Pew Right Aisle Church Pews

Right Aisle Church Pew Seating for 4 Avatars: Contains the Right Aisle Pew.

Great for Weddings and everyday Worship

Feature Overview:

-Available for the Right & Left Aisles indicated by the position of the Cross.

-12 different Animations chosen from the Blue Menu in each Cushion: Male Sit, UniSex Sit, Female Sit, My Love Left, Congrats (for weddings), My Love Right, Visit Left, Read Bible, Visit Right, Worship, CandleHold & Cry.

-Church Pews come with the Church Pew Texture Controller pre-built with dozens of different colors/textures to choose from for Pillows and Frames.

-4 different colored candles & 1 Bible to read. Each Pew has two Bible holders located on the back of each Pew. Click on the bible holders to rezz & receive Vigil Candles/Bible to hold in your hand.

-2 different animations used in the Candles that are held in the hand (basically the same animation, one holds the candle in the left hand the other in the right hand). **This allows you to animate while holding the candle and not seated in the Church Pew.** If you hold the Candle while seated in the Church Pew animate from clicking on your Cushion and choose the animation CandleHold. The Bible is read by clicking on the animation Read Bible.

-The Church Pew also chats religious messages when Rezzing candles to hold or a Bible to read. Also, click on the Bible held in your hand to quote scripture.

-Plays music (Angels We Have Heard on High)

-Dispenses an unlimited amount of lighted Vigil Candles & Bibles for your ceremonies.


Theater Row by Row Blog Click Here

View Church Pew For the Left Aisle Click Here

View Church Pew For the Right Aisle Click Here

View Church Pew For 2 Seats Left Aisle Click Here

View Church Pew For 2 Seats Right Aisle Click Here

View Pair of Church Pews Left & Right Aisles Click Here


First Rezz and open the box called Church Pew by Theater Row by Row.

Right Click on the box from the pie menu select Open and Copy to Inventory. The objects are now in your inventory in a folder called Church Pew by Theater Row by Row.

Now Rezz the object Church Pew. Position the Pew anywhere you wish for your guests to easily sit and worship.

To Get a Candle or Bible to Hold on Avatar: Click on the Bible Holders located on the back of each Pew (there are two). Choose a colored candle to hold or a Bible to read. The Church Pew rezzes the item. Now click on the newly rezzed item to receive a copy in your holder to wear on your avatar.

From your inventory find the Candle or Bible and select wear (right click wear). Also click on your cushion to pose in CandleHold or Read Bible animations while you wear the candle or Bible.

See item in Second Life
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 20, 2010 by Toaster Ragu

ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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