Hello everyone, welcome to the Cinnabelly store! This is my first creation for the Espen head, or any creation I've ever done. Thank you to the help of good friends this is my first creation!
【BoM Eyeshadow】
• BoM eyeshadow for Espen head ONLY!
• 4 differen styles
• Universal layers
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out! Since IM's cap, please send a notecard to my IM's please! You may send both IM and a notecard if you so wish.
Link: https://linktr.ee/bloodykitty230
【R E Q U I R E D】
[• AUGUST •] - Dog Espen (bento head)
Mod: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Y13-Albino-Espen-Furry-mod-Bom/23455370
Head: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AUGUST-Dog-Espen-bento-head/23448470