G General

Citybay Tower- 89 Land impact Version 2

Citybay Tower- 89 Land impact

REZ BOX is not copy mod, just the BUILDING itself is copy mod, once SET.
Say " /31 rez" to rez the building, " /31 cleanup" to set it and "/31 abort" to delete it.
Use your order history to get another copy of the rez box from the marketplace, if required.

This tower is 89 Land Impact. Slim Tower fits on a 12.5m by 12.5m parcel, this is the footprint. The highrise section does not contain floors but could be modified. The lobby takes you into a large commercial space.

  • 12.5m by 12.5m footprint
  • Land Impact of 89
  • Use of shine and reflective surfaces, not too glowy