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Classical Fountain 2 - Marble. 2 Sizes with Adjusted LOD

Classical Fountain 2 - Marble. 2 Sizes with Adjusted LOD

100% original mesh with animated water textures and running water sound that can be switched on/off on a click. Slight grunge painted textures.

The package and features include:
- a regular sized fountain with rez size: 3x3x2.5m (4LI, C)
- a large sized fountain with rez size: 5.8x5.8x4.7m (3LI, C)
- Animated water and mist
- Touch on water to start/stop water sound
- Touch on fountain base to resize fountain.
- Custom set LOD according to fountain size (see below)

#Notes on LOD:
- Normally land impact (LI) increases with mesh sze. Large mesh has greater LOD, viewed from a distance, than smaller mesh.

- The large fountain has an adjusted LOD created based on its rez size so it can retain its LOD seen from afar with lower 3 LI rez size.

- The regular sized fountain has more complex structure at higher 4 LI on rez size to enable it to retain relatively good LOD from afar.

- If you stretch the small fountain to the same size as the large fountain, the LI can be 'expensive' and too high.

- Downsizing the large fountain to smaller size may save on LI but could negatively affect the LOD especially when seen from a distance. A tradeoff between LOD and LI is evident when managing these measures.

  • 100% Original Mesh
  • Original mesh with resizer, Copy Only
  • Animated water, Touch on and off
  • 2 Rez Sizes: Large (3LI), Regular (4LI)
  • Slight grunge Hand Painted Textures