Your rain cloud will give you rain for 5 minutes. Nobody wants it raining all the time, do you?
If you want to dance in the rain, just sit on your rain cloud and you will dance!
The rain is a sophisticated emitter. It will pour over a wide region not only from a small spot of the cloud.
1 Prim Cloud, which will put snow on your land. Check the image for the detail look of every snowflake your cloud will emit.
The rain cloud is modify, so you can change the shape to the desire of your heart.
Your rain cloud is a sculpted prim, so everything you see on the image is just 1 Prim. Your cloud will give your land the feeling of nature and outdoor.
Case you do not like the shape of the emitter - you may reshape and retexture it.
- Perfect Shaped Cloud with much rain every 5 minutes
- rain will fall in a wide field
- play animation by sitting on the cloud
- raon emitter with timer
- will give your place nature flair
There is no "dance" in this. You just stand under the cloud with your arms out while it rains! Not happy.