The haunt being was once a revered creature, spending its time lurking around dark forests, hunting humans with its long, sharp arms. It does not have eyes or ears, so instead, it relies heavily on its sense of smell. Scent particles enter the creatures nose, which is located inside of its mouth, guiding its way around the world. Over time, humans have managed to make peace with the creature, offering it food (worms), in exchange for their lives. It likes to spend its time alone, but will approach and pet humans it likes, or stab people it dislikes. It does not mind other larger animals, because it knows that it could be outmatched, but will hunt and kill smaller creatures. It is initially aggressive to most humans (except for its keeper), but will eventually warm up to others, if it is exposed enough to them. You can often see the creature sniffinf the air, sitting down and sensing its environment, or resting. The Hauntbeing can be worn, or sat upon as a mount, but will only seat one person due to its body size.
If this pet likes you enough, it will let you ride it. As the owner, you can tell it to shake off certain groups of people such as:
- Anyone but its owner.
- Anyone in a group.
- nobody.
The ONE exception to this rule, is that it will NOT let people it doesn't like ride it, and they will have to be accompanied by someone it does trust, if the pet allows multiple people.
This creature eats worms, which are included in your set. Simple rez out the worm pile, and your creature will walk towards it when its hungry, and eat from it.
Since this pet only has a sense of smell and touch, it will often "meditate", which allows it to sense its environment. It likes to sniff, touch, and observe its surroundings, and remember the locations. It will often thank its owner with a simple petting animation, and some hearts will appear over its head.
♥ Stats ♥
- Name: Hauntbeing
- Height: 1.8m
- Rideable? (and # of seats): yes, 1
- Friendliness: aggressive,takes a while to warm up to others.
- DIfferent Colours: normal,pale,dark
- Land impact: 34 prims
♥ CloverPet features ♥
- Fully animesh, animated pet.
- Smart, advanced, Non physical movement, so you do not have to worry about pathfinding, and they will not bounce around, fall over, or constantly fall off of a platform.
- Can wander, Follow people, be worn as a mount, or you can ride it when rezzed out. (depending on the pet)
- Will like and dislike specific avatars, or other pets, But with enough exposure to someone, they will start to like them.
- When in wandering mode, this pet will emote, eat, interact with avatars, other pets, and specific objects.
- You can get it to follow yourself / people around your land with slope/obstacle detection. It will try to find a way around any obstacle to get to its target.
- You can take it into your inventory, and wear him around as a mount or a pet, depending on the creature.
- Multiple walking/running speeds when far away, or when riding.
- Particles will play during emotes.
- You can set its access to open, owner, and group
- You can rename your pet to anything you desire.
- Customizable wander radius.
- Multiple texture options.
the rezz is completely trash
Love it
Bought what i was expecting; the price is a bit too high but.. i really like it to be honest.
I wish there was more interactive stuff, and himto stop trying to jump off the cliff.
i've had him for ..5 minutes and people are hating or loving him cuz scary LMAO. " is that a pet!?" me:" Yeup.. that's my pet "
4/5 i'd add more stuff, like possibility to have him chained to a furniture.
and his hover height seems a bit clunky, he walks over the air in flat surfaces.
rest is perf
I mean.. eh
I had so much expectation for this for nearly 1k lindens, you just add this to your avatar, and you go on it, if you're using an AO it won't work right. You'll go right rhrough it...
It moves really weirdly and I'm just overall disapointed with this.. I paid way too much for a barely functional creature...It looks great more of less, maybe it was just me but I'm pretty meh on this one
Amazing! And Gross! But super cool!
Not gonna lie, I hate it and it creeps me out, but mama's gonna love.
Animated VERY well, sounds like nightmare, and it eats worms. Like, what is wrong with you, what is seriously WRONG with you if you haven't hit add to cart yet? Did I mention the nightmare sound part?
A bit underwhelming
Sadly there just is not much to say about this being. The animations are stunning (when they wish to work) but so few that is painfully clear this is not a "pet", merely more so a conversational piece. Would not have been so harsh on reviewing the work, but given the asking price, it needs to be warn that this is not worth more than half of what is being asked.
My review
Suits perfectly for those who love roleplaying, I just think the creator should add a few sounds, at least when he walks.