Club Enduro
A beautiful Venue for your Clubbing needs!
See it Inworld!
Product Details:
- Size 50x62m - min. Landsize for it is 4096sqm
- Partial Mesh (Meshable Viewer needed)
- Partial Sculpt
- DJ Booth with Animation & Equipment
- Animated Dancer Podiums
- Animated Couches and other Seats
- Bar with Barkeeper Animation and animated Barstools
- HQ Textured
- realistic Plants & Palms
Prims total: 250
Prims Furniture: 34
Prims DJ Equipment: 57
If you wanna use your own Furnitures and DJ Equipment you can count off this Prims in the total count.
modify & copy rights
no transfer
Packed with RezFaux Rezzer. Rez the Rezbox and use Menu to Setup!
Move the Box to fit the club your need and press save. Ready!