G General

Club Enduro v2 mini 50x62 4096sqm Version v2 mini

Club Enduro v2 mini 50x62 4096sqm

Club Enduro

A beautiful Venue for your Clubbing needs!
See it Inworld!

Product Details:

- Size 50x62m - min. Landsize for it is 4096sqm
- Partial Mesh (Meshable Viewer needed)
- Partial Sculpt
- DJ Booth with Animation & Equipment
- Animated Dancer Podiums
- Animated Couches and other Seats
- Bar with Barkeeper Animation and animated Barstools
- HQ Textured
- realistic Plants & Palms

Prims total: 250

Prims Furniture: 34
Prims DJ Equipment: 57
If you wanna use your own Furnitures and DJ Equipment you can count off this Prims in the total count.

modify & copy rights
no transfer

Packed with RezFaux Rezzer. Rez the Rezbox and use Menu to Setup!
Move the Box to fit the club your need and press save. Ready!

See item in Second Life