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Club TIPJAR Skull BOXED mod copy lot features

Club TIPJAR Skull BOXED mod copy lot features

HALLOWEEN SALE - 50% OFF till 3rd November!

Iam proudly to present you one of the Best TipJars in SL, lot features, low scripttime, nice Style!

This Tipjars are for use in Clubs or other Locations where people have to Login to use the Jar.
It comes with lot features all configuarable inside the Config Notecard.
If you want to use this TipJar as a private TipJar than set the Auto Logout to OFF,
than you can Login yourself and it will not kick you if youre offline or out of range.

This Tipjar has following features:

- configurable FAST PAY Buttons
- configurable FLOATING TEXT Color
- optional GIFT GIVER by Tip (up to 16 gifts can given by random choose)
- customisable FLOATING & MESSAGE Texts
- Payment Sharing (Money Split) to Partners
- Payment Sharing (Money Split) between Employee and Owner
- Auto Logout Employee if Offline, by Range, both or No Auto Logout
- configurable LOGIN allowed by ALL,GROUP or LIST
- easy how to setup informations in the Config Notecard included

The Floating Text if someone is logged in shows following:
- the name of who is logged in eg: "Torka Katscher´s Tip Jar"
- info line eg: "Please tip if you are so inclined"
- total tipped eg: "L$ 50 donated so far"
- Last Tip and who made last tip eg: "Last donation of L$ 20 was made by Chicken McDon"

All this was is showing in Floating Text is customisable by you.
So if you need the Text in another Language, you can do with change by yourself!

The TipJar Object is Modify - Copy - No Trans!
The Script is No Modify - Copy - No Trans!

See item in Second Life
  • Money Sharing (Partner Split & Employee %)
  • configurable FAST PAY BUTTONS & FLOATING TEXT Color
  • Gift Giver Feature (up to 16 gifts can given in random mode)
  • Auto Logout Feature
  • Login Allow by All, Group or List