G General

::Code 8:: New Mexico Table

::Code 8:: New Mexico Table

::Code 8::

This product is 100% original mesh

Classic high table from the New Mexico set with a glass center piece and hole for a parasol.

All Code 8's products are textures with normal and specular maps. For the best effect (especially water and shiny metals, but also woods and fabrics) you need to have advance lighting on in your viewers preferences. The shininess of items depends on he windlight you are using. You can edit the object and play with the texture specular settings for the best effect.

The brand logo can be unlinked and removed, if wanted.

Store policies:
° Refunds will only be made on double purchases
° All items except gacha's are mod/copy. Scripts inside items are never mod
° If you think if something is not working as should be, let Code 8 know through the support channels
° If you are happy with Code 8's products, let your friends know ♥

Store info:
⦾ https://www.code8.pro
✪ https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/225542
⦁⦁ https://www.flickr.com/people/code_8/

⦾ https://www.code8.pro/contact
✉ info@code8.pro

See item in Second Life
  • New Mexico
  • High table
  • standing table