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Colter's Thunder & Lightning Storm Boxed Version 1

Colter's Thunder & Lightning Storm Boxed

Thank you for shopping at Colter's Curios where everybody's welcome.

This is an effective Thunder and lightning storm generator,for setting the mood weather it's for halloween or just because you fancy your parcel having something other than perfect weather 24/7/365 You can modify and copy it so it fits right where you want it to,and furthermore it's alot cheaper than other weather generators I've seen.

I thought it would be helpful to give you a few hints on how to get the best from this product.

the storm itsself covers quite a large area,I haven't measured it but I would guess it's about 30x30m

it only consists of 5 prims
1 main rain machine containing rain sound and rain particle script
4 Lightning sheets each containing Lightning flash script and thunder sound

When you first rez the Storm Generator try to rez it in the centre of the area you want the storm to be in

All the prims are phantom and transparrent so to see them for editing purposes you need to press ctrl+alt+T
then you can see all transparrent objects.

By clicking on the main Rain Machine you can turn the rain on or off but this does not affect the lightning.

Depending on the layout of your parcel you may not want the 4 Lightning sheets where they are to begin with so you can either remove the ones you don't want or rearrange them.

To remove Lightning sheets-
Right click any of the sheets,
click edit
click edit linked parts
click the lightning sheet you want to remove
click tools
click unlink
then either take or delete the lightning sheet

To rearrange Lightning sheets-
right click and choose edit
click edit linked parts
click the lightning sheet you want to move
move it as you would any prim

if you want more lightning sheets use the remove lightning sheets method then right click on the removed lightning sheet and click Take Copy as many times as you want

If you have any problems with your Storm Generator or any other Colter's Curios products,or if you have any suggestions or feedback please feel free to IM me or drop me a notecard.

Thank you

Have a good second life.

Gaz Colter

All scripts generously provided by Pavl Duke

  • Thunder sound
  • Lightning flashes
  • Rain sound and particle effect
  • Turn rain on/off
  • Low Price
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Lacking a real sound ...
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted August 15, 2019 by Woolfyy

It looks nicely done but it is really lacking the thunders sounds ...

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this is great
full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 27, 2014 by black5corpion

wind rain and lightning in one low prim box fantastic well made and looks amazing

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Very Nice
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 04, 2013 by Lady Correia

i really like this....works well.

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Not fantastic
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted April 01, 2013 by Nuclear Cloud

its cheap and will work...
Rain particles fall awkwardly and become redundant, doesnt make you feel like you are in a storm as well as the lightening is tinny sounding...

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