G Général

Comfy Sofa with Gorilla Cuddle

Comfy Sofa with Gorilla Cuddle

Introducing our luxurious three-seater sofa - the ultimate in comfort and style for your Second Life home! With 24 poses on the left side seat, 25 on the right, and 22 in the middle, you'll always find the perfect position to kick back and relax. And for even more coziness, our special cuddle animation with an Animesh Gorilla Man is sure to warm your heart.

We also included a version of the sofa in the pack without the animesh Gorilla Man, so you can choose which one suits your style best. And with motion capture animations recorded in our studio, you can be sure that every movement is smooth and realistic.

Please keep in mind that while the regular sofa has a land impact of 10, the Animesh gorilla version has a higher land impact of 38 due to the animated mesh character. But with its incredible charm and cuddly companionship, we're sure you'll find it worth every prim!

The owner of the sofa can change the color to one of 12 preset options via the "Adjust" menu. So why settle for a dull and uncomfortable sofa when you can lounge in style with our amazing three-seater? You can find the sofa on display in our main store if you wish to try it before purchase.

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