G Geral

Complete Camping Set! (BOX)

Complete Camping Set! (BOX)

Complete Camping - Included: Tent and Cot with couple pose, Fire Pot with Pot of Stew, Fire Pit Circle of Rocks, Bowl of Stew, Log Table, (2)Logs with single pose ball, Log with couple pose balls.

Fire Pit has a cackling sound.
Circle of Rocks is modifiable so you can change to your own taste or add your own instead.
Pose Ball pieces are all modifiable to customize avitar fit.

Prim Counts

Fire Pit and Pot of Stew - 36 prims
Fire Pit Circle of Rocks - 13 prims
Tent and Cot - 47 prims
Bowl of Stew - 4 prims
Log Table - 1 prim
Single Pose Log - 2 prims
Couple Pose Log - 3 prims

Happy Camping!