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Concrete Railway

Concrete Railway
Concrete Railway
0 Reviews

Welcome to the 21th century!

Self - rezzing 'guide'!

Low prim count!

These railways are made with concrete sleepers, like modern rails are. They are compatible with classic railways used in Heterocara.

The pack should contain:

<>Concrete railway + road
<>Concrete railway base 1 (classic Heterocera form)
<>Concrete railway base 2 (a railway that requires less space)
<>Concrete railway bridge (a bridge sector with railway included, readdy to be added)
<>Concrete railway base tunnel (a railway sector with tunnel included, ready to be added)
<>Concrete railway sharp (extreme sharp railway track for limited space)

All rail sectors (except for 'concrete rail & road') have a 'guide' inside. You have a script in the box that allows them to rezz the guide on the tracks (so you no longer need to adjust it).

Bonus, you get also green rails, a notecard to explain all functions and a landmark to another railway constructed with this technology (Achemon sim).

Prim count varies from 1 to 4.

All items are full - perm. If you are a merchant, do not sell them the way they are (you can use these products to create your own products, without problems).

  • Railway with concrete sleepers
  • Pieces for rail, road, bridge & tunnel construction
  • Low prim count
  • Self - rezz guide
  • Gift - green rails

L$ 49

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Sold by: Anaimfinity

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

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  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Land Impact: 4