Taking my slogan Low Prim, High Quality to a whole new level with this Complete Full 1 Prim / 1 Land Impact Living Room! That's right, unlike a lot of the mesh objects out there, it means this 1 prim Mesh counts as actually ONLY 1 PRIM!
As pictured this precision, detailed build consists of a Sofa with 5 Pillows, 2 Chairs with 1 Pillow each, Coffee Table & Book, Side Table with 2 Books & Lamp all in 1 awesome prim!
Also making this build spectacular, it acts just like regular separate prims would, no need to make it phantom! You can even walk around the coffee table!
I am a firm believer in Quality over Quantity.. that being said.. no you won't find hundreds of the same tired used couples animations in my furniture. I make all my own original custom High Quality animations.
This set includes 58 thoughtful, Realistic animations with extreme attention to detail (Including 4 brand New Couples Animations making their debut in this set!)...
*Sofa - 10 adorable romantic Couples Cuddles/Kisses (pg) & 11 Female Solo Sits/9 Male Solo Sits
*Chairs - 9 Female & 9 Male Solo Sits
All seats also have a Drinks Menu with 7 drinks to choose from with matching animations.
Texture Change Menus
With my innovative texture change scripting you get 5 menus to change textures independently from each other allowing ultimate customization to fit your own personal taste & room decor.
Not only do you have the power of choice you have the right to Detailed, High Definition Photo Realistic Textures! That's right NO blurry or distorted textures that you commonly find in many 1 prim objects.
You get a menu with 132 Texture Choices for...
- Cushion Fabric (12 Leather, 12 Linen, 12 Retro/Shabby Chic)
- Small Pillows (12 Linen, 12 Retro/Shabby Chic, 12 Silk)
- Large Pillows (12 Linen, 12 Retro/Shabby Chic, 12 Silk)
- Tables (12 Wood/Metal)
- Books (12 Book Covers)
Just touch anywhere on the above mentioned to get their respective menus.
In each menu there are also White textures that would be ideal for you to color tint to your favorite colors!
Table Lamp
Touch the Lamp Shade to turn the Lamp Light On/Off. Yes, it really works like real lamps!
Since this a Mesh object you will need the latest version of the SL viewer or similar viewers.
Sounds too good to be true? Seeing is believing.. Check out the floor demos in world @ Dekute Dekore! You can try out all the amazing features in person!
**Save 5% Off when you Purchase in World!**
If you have any questions or comments feel free to drop me a notecard... send it to Debil Skute!
Have fun =)
See item in Second Life- 5 Texture Change Menus
- Couples Cuddles/Kisses (PG)
- Solo Sits
- Drink Giver w/ Matching Animations
- Working Lamp Light
Mesh Living room set
This is the best furniture I have seen on SL. I have a starter home and bought other furniture, I found this and it's amazing. Very good job!
Impressive... very impressive. :)
All this in one prim? How could you go wrong? I can't afford having loads of prims on my land so this was a godsend lol. Plus, it has everything from giving drinks to singles and solo sits. The menu is extensive with that as well as texture change for everything too. Big thanks to the creator :)