Private Stand alone region decorated in a tropical setup. Prims can stay in the rental price boat house and decoration or can be all returned after payement.
Up to 10 managers can be added. Raw file upload upon demand to the Landlord.
Coral Estates since 2007 managing lands in Secondlife with more then 250 sims with a daily help tecnical support if required.
Pay in L$ or Paypal the land tier at the estate office.
Staff support/information:
Leah Chardin - Sugarpie Froobert - Houdis Hancroft
- Private Stand alone Region Residential Decorated
- 65536Sqm - 5000 Prims - 6999L$/week
- Set your own Audio / Video
- Cheap Land - No Lag Server - Sand / grass
- Set your own covenant and full estate manager rights gaven upon tier payement
Best place to rent Hands down
I been renting with Coral for years and I must tell you it truly is the best place to rent hands down. The staff is super friendly and are almost always available and if they are not they get to you as soon as they log on. I have tried a few other places to see which is better and i finally realized there is nobody better to rent from than Coral.