G Generell

Bag Collors Lux

Bag Collors Lux

Designed to easily create your own textures and customize.
Customize textures, add Animations and Music/Sound and resell or simply add script.

If you have any questions prior to this purchase or after, please do don’t hesitate to IM Flavyo Ireman ( get to me 100%).


* When you purchase this product you are agreeing to the following terms.

* The full perm mesh included are not to be repacked, resold or gifted without being part of a larger build.. including, dropping the mesh or mesh sets alone, even to friends.

* You may not redistribute this product with the combination of copy/transfer permissions in any format.

* You are allowed to use the Mesh fonts in your own builds/creations and post your builds/creations for sale on the marketplace or the Second Life Grid if
Permissions are [[copy/modify/NO transfer]], [[copy/No Transfer]] or [[No copy/Modify/transfer (Only Linked as part of a build!)]]

IT IS EASILY TRACKED! & any violation of these terms will result in a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) Notification being filed against you.

DMCA notifications can result in your account being banned from Second Life.
Offending items can be removed from both your own, and your customers inventories

  • bag
  • Couch
  • sofa
  • prim
  • full perm