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Country End Table FATPACK Version 1

Country End Table FATPACK

Thank you for viewing this furniture piece from Art De Vivre, and congratulations in taking the next step in creating an environment that is truly unique to your taste and functionality.

This 100% mesh piece weigh in at just 1 Land impact, making it perfect for all areas..

You may only use this item within Second Life. You may not resell this item. This license does not extend to other platforms or mediums.

In the crate you'll find 9 different varieties of the End Table, the UVW map should you wish to create a texture of your own and a version of the End Table showing the faces which are able to be re-textured individually to your liking.

Your feedback is always valued, and can only help me improve on the products I make for you, so please do let me know what you thought in a review.

I'm also always curious to see what you built, so get in touch! Feel free to add me for a chat or a visit any time.

Love, Ella ♡

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  • 9 Varieties of End Table
  • UVW map
  • Notecard