The Covfefe Prop Box is a multi-object region-wide toggle rezzer suitable for managing photography props; stage/show sets; minimizing land impact for your home, and a variety of other use cases.
There are a number of excellent rezzers in the market, but not every rezzer is suitable for how you want to use it. Make sure to download a demo and try it out. The first section of this document assumes you have a Demo version of the rezzer (included stand alone and in each kit) to teach you how to use it and help you evaluate that it is the right rezzer for you.
* Video below will guide you through the features.
* Detailed instructions attached
* Free support and upgrades
See related listings for full versions
Download instructions View Video »- Toggle multiple props/scene objects (behaves as if you have multiple rezzers)
- Define menus, scenes, props, via notecard
- Save positions back to notecard to prevent position loss
- Tracks object locations and rotations
- Can pack and move rezzer for show props and scenes