These are sold in small huggable size so you can squeeze as many as you want on a sofa or big comfy chair. But there is no reason you have to use them on furniture. They keep their low 1 LI at larger sizes and would look just as good leaning against a tree or tossed on a rug.
Easy to texture. UV maps are perfect squares, labeled & color coded
Product is 6 separate meshes, AO maps, color coded UV Maps and sample textures.
Texture faces:
2 on each pillow
Land Impact:
0.5 each pillow pair (2 pairs linked is 1 LI)
link all 6 pairs (12 pillows for 3 LI)
Textures & Maps included:
AO Map x 6
UV Map x 6
Sample textures x 6
nMeshed © Terms
1. You may not: resell or give away any nMeshed © 2015 mesh object (model), texture or script with both copy and transfer permissions to another person.
2. You may: download textures to use and modify them & modify model as needed.
3. You may: share nMeshed ©2015 products amongst your other SL accounts (SL avatars you use as alts)
4. These products & products you create using them are for use in Second Life only.
Artikel in Second Life anzeigen- 100% original mesh
- LODS optimized to level 2
- UV maps for easy texture creation included
- baked ambient occlusion map included
- sample textures included