The 'Avatar Magnet HUD' it's an Amusing Tool to play with your Partner/Lover, Friends or Family!
You can choose the Animation you'd like to use by using the Next/Previous Animations arrows, or directly from an Animations Names Dialog Menu!
✔ Easy to Use
✔ Easy Interface
✔ 35 Animations Types/Positions (Grab, Follow or Over Animations)
✔ Avatar Free Rotation
✔ 'Shake' option (please read bellow)
✔ 'Side By Side' option (please read bellow)
✔ Don't ask Target Avatar for Permissions
✔ Don't Rezz any Objects (no Pose Balls/Objects)
✔ Works on 'No-Scripts' allowed Lands (Works Anywhere!)
Click on the HUD, choose a Target Avatar and you'll start following it! Simple ;-)
The HUD will not ask the Target Avatar for Permissions!
→ Magnet On/Off (On/Off the Magnet/Follow Avatar System)
→ Animations Arrows (Previous/Next) (you can choose the Animation you want to use)
→ Animations Dialog Menu (you can choose the Animation you want to use directly from a Dialog Menu)
→ Position Arrows (Up/Down) (Grab & Over Animations have the option to adjust your Avatar position - Up or Down)
→ Shake option (On/Off) (Grab & Over Animations have the option to Enable/Disable a Shake movement)
(With Shake option enabled, your avatar will simulate Up and Down movements!)
→ 'Side By Side' option (On/Off) (Follow Animations have the option 'Side By Side', which you can Enable or Disable it)
(With 'Side By Side' option enabled your avatar will be placed on the left side of the Target Avatar! Your avatar will be on the left side of the Target Avatar even when the target avatar rotates!)
→ 'Object Giver' button (some Animations can have associated Objects that you can to wear, when you click on it the HUD will give you the associate Object)
→ Reset (Resets the HUD)
→ Help (the HUD sends you the Instructions Notecard)
→ Avatar Magnet HUD
Note: Instructions Notecard included on the HUD (you can access it when you click on the 'Help' button on the HUD)!
Copy | No Modify | No Transfer
☞ Do Not buy this HUD if you don't agree with the following limitations! No refund will be done!
↯! Bad Position/Animation !↯
If the position/animation of the avatar doesn't match with the target avatar position, that can be caused by several reasons, but the most common causes are:
1) Your avatar or the target avatar have an uncommon size/height/width
2) Your avatar or the target avatar is using a Female/Male AO (or other HUD) that takes the avatar from it's central point
In this last case, there is nothing that can be done unless the avatar disable it's AO (or other HUD)!
↯! Animation Overridden !↯
Sometimes, the animations included on the Male/Female AO's (or other Objects/HUDs) have an higher priority level then the Avatar Magnet HUD animations! That way, the Avatar Magnet HUD animations will be overridden by your Male/Female AO's (or other Object/HUD you may have)! To get it work properly you just need to disable (or detach) your Male/Female AO (or other Object/HUD with animations included you may be using)!
↯! 'Over' Animations !↯
'Over' animations are tricky! The HUD will place your avatar above the Target Avatar (it calculates the target avatar height)! Problem is, due to the shape Hover setting, and mesh and animation offsets, it is not possible to use the height function to determine the rendered height of an avatar with any degree of confidence!
So, to fix the problem, when you use 'Over' animations, you just need to use the Position arrows to adjust your avatar height, till you get the proper 'Over' animation! Sometimes some clicks on the down (or up) arrow Position button on the HUD should solved the problem! More Info here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetAgentSize
↯! It's Not possible to Rotate the Avatar !↯
The only way to rotate an avatar in secondlife is to sit it on a prim/object! Because Avatar Magnet HUD does not use Rezz objects, there is no possible way to rotate your avatar! Keep in mind that, to rezz objects you'll need to have permissions on the lands to do it!
And the intention of the Avatar Magnet HUD is to use it anywhere (without rezz any object)!
↯! Sometimes the Avatar can Push the Target Object !↯
In some cases it's not possible to control the avatars behavior! It depends on the mathematic calculations of the HUD, the lag on the land, etc! Therefore, if your avatar starts to push the target avatar (it's not the intent of this HUD), it would be good to make a click on the Magnet to disable the Magnet system! That way your avatar stop's following the target avatar (then you can enable it again if you want)!
☞ Keep in mind that teasing/pushing other avatars against their own will it's not according the Secondlife TOS (Terms of Service)!
☞ Please respect everyone like it should be!
* Send a Notecard to Creative Starfall
It works very well.
My partner and I were using some free Follow HUDS and even those we paid for, we kept bumping onto each other (Plus bumping sounds) while we were walking. It gets really annoying. This HUD works very well. We are loving it! Now we can go anywhere without stress of running onto each other . It makes exploring so much fun and stress free.
Love it!
Definitely loving this hud. I think is the best so far
i LOVE it!!!
so cool! i was looking for no poseballs/no vehicle and hud driven only.
works as promised. used it with a special someone at Second Pride ♥
Es muy util
es bueno, bonito y barato, sirve bien, muchas opciones de seguimiento
I have multiple grab huds and this one is the best, by far! None have as many poses and this one even gives you items as props. Seamless and the best positioning of animations compared to my other huds.
This is really remarkably well done!
Personally I won't use most of the varied animations, though they are very cute and playful...
I really wanted the best "couples walker" I could find that did not require a rezzed "vehicle". There aren't many. Of the few i found a made my initial evaluation by the content of the MP ad. The content creator, Creative, took the time to describe the operation up front, no guessing.
So based on that, I was hoping to find the same care in the product itself. I was *not* disappointed. Everything is well thought out, the HUD design is intuitive, there is the option of a traditional menu.
I am not sure how the HUD decides who leads. I am female and so when I chose my boyfriend as my walking partner, he is the one that can walk. I've IM'd Creative to as about this. I'll update the review when I hear back.
However even if that *is* a limitation, I am still thrilled!