! U n - S c r i p t e d !
Price Mark Down 2K Linden Less 6-26-21
Any car made ever, we probably have a kit for it. Just ask.
NOTICE:: We have over 100+ vehicles of this grade that we have made over the years. If there is one you are looking for, we probably have it, or at least a version of it already made. This is just 1 that was made during the course of our 10+ years of hard work.
All Kits have FULL LAYERED (7 mixed to 3) DYNAMIC PAINT.
NOT the cheaply 'burnt-on' glares-reflections that lazy creators are selling still in 2021.
This is intentional because in doing so it would cause too heavy of a burden on server/land impact - &/or they are race cars and do not have doors that open from outside anyways on many of them.
We have spent the last year working with mesh in Blender and have spent a lot of time making some really awesome vehicles that you will not find anywhere else on the grid.
All maps are made at HD when uploading.
We can not help the abuse that LL puts on certain maps when uploading them. Only LL can get something that is photo quality in Blender and turn it into Crayola quality from its terrible compression engine.
HAHAHA.. But we Love LL, and couldn't have made these without them, (But we did the best we could to work around this).
We sell the vehicles with the requirement of some sort of customizing, branding, and scripting before re-selling. (user license)
Have fun as the hard part is done, as each vehicle has a ton of hours involved in them. Anyone screaming 'direct rip' or whatever is more than welcome to file a 'take-down' through the document we make readily available through our website. As we never sell direct rips. And anyone claiming to 'file a DMCA' is a moron as DMCA is agency that backs a digital copyright act that went into effect years ago, not a document you send in. You send in a 'take-down request' when you have the legal proof of exclusive ownership of the exact item that someone else is selling and advertising as theirs.
We do MODs (legally), and also have many complete originals &/or have purchased the bases & reworked the creations & optimized them for SL exclusive usage.
We do not offer a lot of support with these items as we have spent so much time and work in them, and offer so many extras with them. If you see the settings of the vehicles and prim names, you should easily be able to re-create our N*Motion codes that use only 2 scripts to run any vehicle and about 90% LESS resources than the most popular scripts in SL as of today. Use your imagination & lower the resource pull on the grid if you want the fastest & smoothest running vehicles that use very mild resources from LL..... Or you are more than welcome to use the same scripts everyone else uses, and SL has seemed to settle for. It does not really matter to us. Whatever you like, and whatever your goals are, are up to you.
If you got an issue that you just can not come up with a solution for, or an issue with item bought from us, send a Notecard in-world to i3ossHogg and we will get back to you when possible.
We are not pricing these dirt cheap because even at this price, we are working for less than 5 cents and hour from our projections, & that's a little less than what our time is worth, and we do not want the grid flooded with these.
This model comes with over 175+ custom maps for the buyer so they can really customize the creation and all are FULL PERM so they can download them all and add logos and such.
These are very high-end vehicles, so buyer should not have issues selling these. Most all will have AO maps + a set of at least 1 or 2 or 5 fully textured maps so understand that you are getting a full creators kit. But scripts are not included, but are required by user license in order to resell. Buyer can completely remove our name & take full credit for the builds.... duhhh... thats kinda the whole reason we made them. So buy it and get all the glory for YOUR beautiful build. Believe me - we took NO short cuts, as most maps were single mapped UV custom one-at-a-time created.
We have other snapshots, all from in-world, but oddly SLM will not allow a picture larger than 1.00MB and we have reduced them to almost thumbnails and they only get to 1.01MB min.... Go figure. Who cares? If you see and you like, buy it !
See item in Second Life View Video »- All maps custom made & optimized for SL (AO Base + Real Maps - 7 Layers to 3)
- All parts of vehicles are 7 layers of maps that have multi in the 3
- Many hours/days of work involved in each vehicle
- Not to be given away or allowed as a gift w/ full permission
- Please customize the car further & brand it & script it before selling