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Crumpled Thigh High Boots: Belleza, Maitreya, Slink FAT PACK

Crumpled Thigh High Boots: Belleza, Maitreya, Slink FAT PACK
Crumpled Thigh High Boots: Belleza, Maitreya, Slink FAT PACK
6 Reviews

Sexy and classy style thigh-high boots, a color for any outfit. Modifiable so you can use the system edit to tweak or change the colour to any you like (instructions included)

You get a pack with the actual shoes, they do NOT come with a colour change HUD.

Belleza: Freya, Isis and Venus
Maitreya: Lara (v5.2 change shape to make foot size 25)
S-Link: Hourglass and Physique

I try to keep all my apparel low priced and low complexity this set has a complexity of under 2,500.

If you just want one of the colours please IM as I don't sell the shoes separately on the MP.

Colours, ready to wear:
Black w/ red heel & sole
Red w/ dark heel & sole
Blue w/ silver heel & sole
Green w/ dark heel & sole
Brown w/ gold heel & sole
Yellow w/ gold heel & sole
Cream w/ dark heel & sole
Beige w/ dark heel & sole
White w/ silver heel & sole

I hope you enjoy them

I had some feedback that it is hard to tell how high the boots go so I have uploaded another photo of an outfit I made that shows the top of these boots but with different textures. (the outfit and the other boots are also 5L each fatpack)

  • modifiable - change to any colour you like using the system edit
  • shoes attach to your feet
  • ready to wear - low complexity under 2,500
  • fits Belleza, Maitreya, Slink
  • sexy and classy style
Average rating: full star full star full star full star half star
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OMG these are amazing!!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 18, 2022 by Chloe Mineff

At first I was very disappointed... wait for it. The black pair: one was suede, one was glossy leather. They are mod so i put on the cream one and was able to adjust the color. Now Perfect. Granted you shoudln't have to do this but daymmmmm one gets the fatpack and for L5$!! Srsly. run don't walk To get these. Perfect fit, i haven't tested teh others.

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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted June 26, 2021 by Claudette Dufaux

i got the belleza and the colours dont match

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L$ 5

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Lacy Shan
Lacy Shan

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Works with Maitreya, SLink, Belleza Avatars
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  • User Licensed
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Mesh: 100% Mesh