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Cuddly living room

Cuddly living room
Cuddly living room
0 Reviews

..: P L O R E H O design :: Cuddly furniture line :..

The main feature of the Cuddle furniture line is the possibility to choose each of the objects texture pattern among the 3 available.
To switch texture pattern, just click the armchair/sofa2/sofa3 right arm top (or on the back of Klinai) and select one of the 3 available patterns from the menu.

..: Permissions :..

The vaste majority of my products are no-mod/no-copy/transfer.
Should you feel the need to change anything in what you bought from me, like arraging a poseball in a different way, or changing the color of a glass, or anything else, please IM me in-game and we'll talk about it. I am more than happy to help you being a satisfied customer.
As soon as it's clear what kind of modification you have in mind, either by IM or with an appointment, you will transfer to me your old item and I'll transfer back the modified one, simple as that :)

..: Users group and website

Ploreho design Clients -

..: Support :..

In case of any problem, do not hesitate to contact me, Gabriel Watanabe, in-game.
Thanks and have a nice day ;)

  • Low prims
  • Simple design
  • Sculpty
  • Elegant
  • Romantic

L$ 439

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Ploreho Design
Sold by: Gabriel Watanabe

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  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Land Impact: 34