Hungry? You'll never starve on SL EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!
Wearable fancy cup of noodle, filled with deep spicy shrimp flavorings! Cute chopsticks to help you out and if you want, noodles hanging from your mouth to make it even more fun. On top of all this, if you don't feel like wearing or being animated, you can always display the item.
Please read instructions for help. If there is any other questions. feel free to message me :). I'm always happy to help.
- Vivian Omizu
* 100% mesh
* No prefab
* Animation included
* Mesh Decor, 1 Land IMPACT ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* Copy, No Trans, No Mod
- Animation
- Wearable Product
It is cute but the animation is way to fast and not centered.
Needs to have a slower animation, also the noodles never make it into my mouth, i keep chopping my face. AND eating so fast is not healthy.
its ok
animations are going too fast it makes me look like i havent ate in a while.. would be better if its resizable
Needs improvement.
Looks more like fist pumping at a rave than eating noodles. Would be good if the chopsticks had the animation, and the noodles were static. Then I could just remove the chopsticks and use another pair, but as it is, it's a waste of money. Can't even hold the noodles without fisting my own face rapidly. Display pics must have taken 10 hours to get just right to trick you into thinking it looks good.
It's ok
Animations are poor and constant instead of occasional.