A plaid mesh shirt with a flower pattern and ribbon!
Made for Curious Kitties Unreal Fuzz Doll Avatars!
By Curious Kitties
Curious Kitties does not offer refunds for no transfer items under any circumstances!
This item is 50% smaller compared to the Second Life default mesh.
- This item can NOT be used standalone.
In other words:
- This item *REQUIRES* you have an avatar from "Curious Kitties Unreal Fuzz"
**If you wear this without wearing an avatar from "Curious Kitties Unreal Fuzz" it will crush your avatar in to a disgusting blob.
If you wore it & got crushed take the item off & relog OR take the item off & wear the free "Shape Fixer" that fixes the bug that happens when wearing a tiny rigged avatar for large ones.
If you are curious about the item when wearing an "Curious Kitties Unreal Fuzz" avatar please try out the FREE (L$0) demo.
If your looking for an "Curious Kitties Unreal Fuzz" avatar, please be sure to try out the FREE (L$0) "Kittenz Luth Avatar" for starters!
It is customizable like a full price avatar.
Please be sure to try the FREE (L$0) demo of this item before purchasing to see how it fits on you!
See item in Second Life- 50% Smaller Compared to Default Avatar.
- High Quality Rigged Mesh
- Unique Original Plaid Design
- Fantasy Style Punk Shirt
- Plaid Material