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Curious Seamstress & GreenWood Designs - Victorian Men's Clothing - Steampunk - Victorian

Curious Seamstress & GreenWood Designs - Victorian Men's Clothing - Steampunk - Victorian
Curious Seamstress & GreenWood Designs - Victorian Men's Clothing - Steampunk - Victorian
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This is a working man's outfit. From the cotton shirt, canvas vest, and rugged wool tartan pants to the tough leather jacket. It is meant to last while a man goes about his business, whether that's tending machines or fighting in the back alley!

The perms on this outfit include Mod, which I do not usually do. However, since the pants need to be different lengths for different legs and boot sizes, it just made sense to go no copy/mod/trans on this outfit.

There are four different styles of tartan pants in this package. One vest, one jacket, a neckerchief, a bowler hat, and a good pair of gray wool socks!

Listed in the thank you note are the particulars for the skin and boots, etc.

Finally, the female on this ad is just a small hint that this outfit could be as useful to the women as it is to the men!

The prices are slightly higher on SLex than at the main store in order to cover merchanting fees.

Cordially yours,
Kembri Tomsen

L$ 400

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The Curious Seamstress
Sold by: Kembri Tomsen

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