This hanging wall calendar automatically updates itself to display the correct monthly calendar. It accounts for leap years and daylight savings time.
You can drop up to 12 images into the calendar, and it will display them on a monthly basis, cycling through them (if you have less than 12 images in the contents, it will start again at image #1 after it reaches the end).
A simple-to-use menu interface allows you customization control:
• freeze/unfreeze the month displayed
• display a specific month
• change the display to a specific year
• change colours of different components (paper, month title, year, dates)
• show/hide the nail
The calendar is copy/modify, so you can easily change the colours to exactly match your needs should the menu colours prove not varied enough for you.
Not all of our products are listed on the marketplace – we have many more items in our in-world store (plus group gifts etc). See you there!
See item in Second LifeGreat
I needed a Transfer Calendar to give away and this was not, but other than that was a great looking calendar and extremely simple to put together.
Awesome Indeed!
I echo what the previous reviewer wrote completely. Just for your information, land impact is only 2.
This thing rocks. It does exactly what I wanted it to do -- show the real date and let me put my own pictures for the months. Thanks for making this fantastic and affordable gadget.