G General

Cutie Carton by Sweet Thing: CHERRY - Adorable Wearable Milk Carton Bag with Flavors

Cutie Carton by Sweet Thing: CHERRY - Adorable Wearable Milk Carton Bag with Flavors

These come with 3 poses (left arm), ALL are mod/copy. Not rigged, single mesh object, super easy to modify. :D

EVERY COLOR is included with each bag. Control these sections via HUD:
Bag Base
Drippy color (+ ON / OFF)
Tartan color (+ ON / OFF)
Label base

+ Flavor (fatpack only - single flavors are locked here)

The fatpack includes 21 flavors total; the 10 base, plus some color and slight design variations.

ALL include a UV map for the flavor section of the label, so you can make your own!


All pictures were taken within SL and products have not been edited.


Sweet Thing. Online & In-World
Flickr ♥ https://www.flickr.com/photos/sweetthingsl
Facebook ♥ https://www.facebook.com/sweetthingsl
Mainstore ♥ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/De la Lune/128/185/29


If you have a question or concern, please contact me directly before leaving a negative review! I will be able to help or fix it much more quickly this way. :)

See item in Second Life
  • 100% Original Mesh
  • Non-Rigged
  • Texture HUD
  • Multiple Color Zones