SWB Rideable Ships
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Helicopter Version with Navigation Lights (helicopter not provided)
Sure you can get good boats under 30 prims
Sure you can get really good boats over 30 prims - i like to think i make some
The trouble is big ships that are 29 prims is they tend to look awful - like they we made in 5 minutes and people quickly move onto the more expensive wearable boats.
The only trouble with wearble boats is...welll...erm you gotta wear them so when you stand it goes with you. Not ideal for stopping and having a chat or dropping anchor and having a swim in no rez areas as a rideable boat stays there (until the return time out (if any) triggers).
Secondly Large prim ships you wear and then stand from can sometimes rez automatically to the sea - this is fine in your own sims but is very rude in areas that allow some spare prims for sailing a large prim ship can suffocate a sim like this - you also cant rez in public oceans anyways
SWB has solved the problem with the SWB Rideable ships.
Sculpted prims and careful crafting and scripting means that you get a great looking boat thats under 30 prims at last!
As Sculpts have a 'bounding box around them the level you walk on is the higest point square all around - so to make more use of the ship i have added a raised helipad modeled on and actual patterned Coast Guard HeliDeck that you can land you helicopter on with easy. the Guard rails even help tease you into your spot :)
Rez - Right click and board the ship and you will be at the helm on the bridge - you can use 'mouse-look' (close chat and press 'M' key) and actually look out of the windows to pilot it just like the real thing, or use the default camera above and behind the ship - the camera script in the contents inventory folder is modifable - should you wish to change it but keep a copy if you do so if you are inexperienced or doing this for the first time ;)P.
Page up - you hear the anchor raise (sound effect only) with water trickling from it then a start up and pumps sound.
Page down - you hear a splosh splash as the anchor hits the water (sound effect only) and engine wind down.
Left arrow - turn left.
Right arrow - turn right.
Foward arrow - forwards.
Back arrow - reverse.
/888 navon /888 navoff for navigation lights
By tapping the forwards and back arrows you can achive a nice speed or very low speeds indeed. So perfect for sim management. Or recon missions.
This excels at slow speeds - this is not designed as a speedboat - its a slow cruising ship remember but will do up to 30 knots - it is recommended to sail under 10 knots for best stability if you have a poor connection speed or are lagging one day.
There are 2 poseballs on the bridge so you can have 2 friends along
FREE GIFT - also included is a box of oil slicks for the moored boat to put round the hull WORTH 275L!!! :)))
Have Fun and Happy Days
Surfwidow Beaumont
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It's big, it's easy to drive and sim crossings are amazingly a breeze. You don't even notice crossing sims unless you have mini map open you would never know :)