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Cybersculpts Vintage Ships "the crow Combat sailing ship Pg

Cybersculpts Vintage Ships "the crow Combat sailing ship Pg
Cybersculpts Vintage Ships "the crow Combat sailing ship Pg
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Cybersculpts "The Crow"
Vintage sailing Combat ship
PG version -115 land impact
copy/modify * animations, scripts , and sounds are copy only ,
rest of the vessel fully mod. Operates on Bwind or wwc winds,
or with an optional row boat motor that rezzes and pulls the main ship.
*Uses alley mart combat scripts
Boat carries two avatars ,with a various poses for skipper and first mate.
Boat also contains two vehicle rezzers.-a combat enabled row boat equipped with a single
cannon and a leonardo da vinci style hanglider . Both vehciles are anyone drive options.
Must be in a rezzing area to use these features, and to use the combat system. four touch to fire cannons, and escape row boat rezzer also equipped for combat with a cannon.
Please see notecard for furthur instructions. Apprx mesaurement 5 wide by 25 long.

  • works with wwc or bwind
  • vintage look
  • two external anyone drive vehicle rezzers
  • uses alley mart combat script

L$ 1,000

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Sold by: Saphyre Cyberstar

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  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
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Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 115