Cynful Ready In - Mini Dress - Legacy Perky (Single Size Basic Colors)
** You are purchasing the "Ready In - Mini Dress" Single Size Basic Colors option for: Legacy Perky **
Cynful Ready In - Mini Dress
Product Description:
Available Sizes:
- Maitreya Lara X + Maitreya Petite X
- Legacy + Legacy Perky
- eBody Reborn, eBody Reborn + Rolls
- eBody Reborn Waifu, eBody Reborn Waifu + Rolls
Single Size Basic Colors:
each purchased single size includes a 4 color basic Hud & a 4 color PBR Basic Hud
- 4 Main Mini Dress Colors
- 4 Mini Dress Colors
- Dress Transparency On+Off
- 3 Opacity Options
- 4 Bow Colors
- 3 length bow options (Bow, mid, long)
- 4 Pantie Colors + On/Off Option
- 2 Material Shine + Off Option (this option is excluded from the PBR option)
Upgrade Huds:
with the upgrade hud (each 9 colors + PBR), you have the possibility to add more colors to your 'Single Size Basic' version.
Single Size Fatpack:
each purchased single size fatpack includes:
- your purchased body size + the Fatpack Hud/PBR Fatpack Hud
Choose between
- 31 Main Mini Dress Colors
- 31 Mini Dress Colors
- Dress Transparency On+Off
- 3 Opacity Options
- 31 Bow Colors
- 3 length bow options (Bow, mid, long)
- 31 Pantie Colors + On/Off Option
- 2 Material Shine + Off Option (this option is excluded from the PBR option)
All Sizes Fatpack:
All available sizes + future body updates
- All advertised Sizes included + the Fatpack Hud/PBR Fatpack Hud
Choose between
- 31 Main Mini Dress Colors
- 31 Mini Dress Colors
- Dress Transparency On+Off
- 3 Opacity Options
- 31 Bow Colors
- 3 length bow options (Bow, mid, long)
- 31 Pantie Colors + On/Off Option
- 2 Material Shine + Off Option (this option is excluded from the PBR option)
We hope you like it as much as we do! ♥
Please make sure to try out the Demo, all Sales are final.
See item in Second LifeL$ 299
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- User Licensed