+ DAE FILES NoCruel Zihna Hair FULL PERM fitted

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This set include :
- hair model FITTED,
- textures set (only one color visible on photo + alpha masks to make your own recolors),
This set don`t include .dae files. Please buy a version with .dae files if You need them.
If You plan to resell NoCruel mesh items, You must agree these terms and conditions.
1. None of NoCruel products can be given as freebie.
2. Items can not be sold as fashion kit or builder’s kit.
3. You can not sell items with copy and transfer permission both clicked at the same time.
4. The products being sold by a reseller must be end products. They should not enable or encourage buyers to re-create them.
5. The selling price can not be any less then 50L$
6. One item can only be licensed to one avatar.
7. If You plan to use my items outside Secondlife You have to let me know about.
8. You can`t redistribuate my items online in any graphic file (etc. .png, .tga, .obj, .dae, .blend - whatever it is)
9. Textures are included to be USED not to be SOLD.
We create customs. If You are interested please write a message. Our e-mail : nocruelmeshstore@gmail.com
Use It Now
This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.
More info
- Copy
- Modify
- Transfer
- User Licensed