G General

.::DD::. Dreamy Cuddle Couch

.::DD::.  Dreamy Cuddle Couch

The Dreamy Cuddle Couch is 100% Original Mesh exclusive to .::Digital DeZines::.

* Texture Change
Click on the Adjust Menu/Texture, then choose the part of the Couch you wish to change.. you can choose from

The Cloth has 10 different texture Colors to choose from

The Wood has 6 different texture Colors to choose from

The Pillows have 10 different texture Colors to choose from that match the couch cloth.
You can hide the pillows by selecting Remove in the pillows category, to show them simply select a color from the pillow color category.

The Couch Set has been left Mod on purpose enabling you to tint the Couch to a color you desire

This set is jam packed full of Animations designed for 2 Avatars to interact. We have taken Special Care to source Quality Animations. Each Section has been broken down to show what animations are available.

10 x Female Solo Animations
9 x Male Solo Animations

Cuddles A
9 x Cuddle Animations

Cuddles B
9 x Cuddle Animations

Cuddles C
8 x Cuddle Animations

Cuddles D
9 x Cuddle Animations

Cuddles E
9 x Cuddle Animations

Cuddles F
9 x Cuddle Animations

Cuddles G
6 x Cuddle Animations